
Monday, May 27, 2013

wish you were here: 5.27.13.

Happy Memorial Day friends!

Hope you're enjoying the last bit of your long weekend and taking time to appreciate all of the wonderful freedoms that are ours thanks to the sacrifices of others. Here are a few links to start off your week...

>>> Dressing themselves and doing it well.

>>> A Memorial Day sale worth noting.

>>> Fun with flowers.

>>> Basically everything in this shop.

>>> Not a baby anymore: tales from an emo mom.

>>> You had me at stripes.

>>> Confessions of a former princess hater.

>>> Keeping my fingers crossed that I need reading glasses at my exam today so I can order these.

>>> This blog. Her daughter might be Fern's new fashion icon.

>>> The most awesome/creepy/hilarious thing I saw all week.

>>> Hippies welcome.

>>> This is rocking my world - can't wait to share the review later week.

Love and links,



  1. Lauren!!

    Your babble post made me tear up! I know what you mean about protecting them from the world. I think it's something about having a daughter... we just understand how hard it can be to be a girl! I want Ruby to stay little for the same reasons. SO much easier to protect them that way.


  2. Thank you for including me on your lists! Your baby girl is so adorable. My sister's name is also Fern :)




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