
Friday, April 19, 2013

wish you were here: 4.19.13.

I've been blogging less here over the past couple of months and it's not because I don't like you guys.

It's because mama's been hustling over at Disney and Babble blogging my little heart out. I still love you guys a ton and am actually working on getting other bloggers to join me for a fun new series here that I think you're going to love. the mean time, I'm busting out like 10 blog posts a week, plus videos. It can be kind of a lot.

I realized though, that I rarely actually remember to share links to the things I've been reading or writing or enjoying when I'm not here.

So, I'm creating a link-up where we can all share our own readings, writings and things we've loved throughout the week, right here and it'll be called: Wish You Were Here. Said and done!

Feel free to share photos, links, whatever - anything that you wish we could all enjoy! Then link your post back using the linky below!

I can't wait to see what you're reading, writing and loving out and about on the internets!

Wish you were here!



  1. What fun! I know just what you mean about writing your heart out elsewhere. I'm so busy!!

    Can't wait to see your new series. . .

  2. Those H&M leggings are so cute! Thanks for opportunity to pimp my blog. :)

    Have a great weekend!


Comments make me happy and I adore each and every one you leave. I try to respond to comments when I can...which isn't always. BUT, if you have something you'd really like me to respond to, feel free to e-mail me and I promise I'll respond ♥.