
Monday, April 8, 2013

a little weekending. yeah. we still do that.

I was just realizing that I never blog about our weekends anymore.

So I figured I'd give it a whirl since we still do like to have fun now that we're parents. I swear we're not completely dried up just yet!

Friday, Fern had a little sleepover at the grandparent's house and Craig and I went to Pok Pok with our friends Chris & Becca. I made the terrible mistake of not ordering the wings. Pok Pok has long been a date night staple for when we go out with the Hardesty's and we used to each order different things and share, but then we realized that we all just ended up clamoring over the wings (Ike's Vietnamese Fish sauce wings were voted one of the top 10 dishes in America by Food & Wine. Legit.) so from then on we all just started ordering our own. If you haven't been there, you must order them and get the spicy version...even if you are averse to spicy things. We've talked two different non-spicy-eating friends into ordering the spicy version and they agreed. So worth it. But, I digress. I decided to branch out and tried the staff favorite: boar collar. While it was good, they were definitely not spicy wings and I just looked enviously on at everyone else's plates the entire time. Lesson learned.

Saturday, I went to pick up Fern from my parent's house and we went to brunch at Bob's Red Mill after which we went to Old Navy and came out with this swimsuit. I'm not generally into character emblazoned clothing, but I couldn't resist since I had a Minnie Mouse suit when I was tiny too. I still remember wearing it on a beach trip with my grandparents, although I have no idea where the picture is sadly.

Sunday was grocery shopping day. Nothing exciting there. And afterward I went to the gym with my dad and taught him how to work out which was a fun bonding time for both of us. He hates the gym, but he wants to be healthier, so he finally conceded. I love working out as a hang out. It's productive, but you're still having quality time. Win/win.

We also broke out Fern's first pair of Saltwater sandals. My aunt ordered them for her and it was instant love. They were still a bit big and fit a little like diving flippers, but she loved the loud clacking sound they made on the hard wood floors.

We ended the day with the Mad Men premier along with out Mad Men inspired gin fizz cocktails. A good way to wind down on a Sunday night.

What did you do this weekend?



  1. we went to Pok Pok while we were there, it was amazing! missed out on the wings, will have to try them once we move there. I have those same saltwater sandals, twinsies :) I enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine during the mad men premiere but i'm thinking I should try a gin fizz next time, very fitting.

  2. I can't wait till I can have FREE weekends. Till then I have to live through everyone else's!

    And now I am craving spicy wings, mmmm.

  3. Fun Fun! I love reading about people's weekends. I have a linky on my site just for weekend updates in instagram/twitter/blog post form because I love reading about them so much! I alas, did NOTHING this weekend. Worked the entire time. I am gearing up for a couple of really fun weekends though.

    Good tip on Pok Pok! I have yet to eat there... now I know what to get!

  4. That swimsuit reminds me of my childhood swimsuits, too. It'll look adorable on your little one!

    Mason glasses make drinking so much more fun!

  5. I need to try Pok Pok, those wings sound so great!

  6. You guys are young and hot! whoop whoop!

    Seriously, date nights are kind of amazing. Thanks grandparents!:-) xoxo

  7. I hate getting out ordered @ dinner! lol

    love the sandals : ]

  8. oh the salt water sandals are so stinking cute!


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