
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

a little swimsuit surgery + disneyland + a little spring reading.

Hey guys!

Sorry I've been so scarce around here, but I've been CRAZY busy. This past week Fern was sick and then over the weekend I helped give styling tips at a blogger meet-up and since then I've been packing and prepping for our trip to L.A. this week as well as scheduling out a zillion blog posts because I am in serious need of a digital break. Blogging for Disney Baby, Babble Toddler, Babble Beauty AND sometimes here (when I finally get around to it - sorry!) means that I spend far too many hours in front of a computer screen, so I've been planning ahead to make sure I get all my posts done ahead of time so I can just relax.

The reason I will be heading to L.A. is for a work thing with Disney and my sweet mama was so gracious to offer to come along and hang out with Fern while I work. When I'm done though, we'll be staying a few extra days to visit family and take Fern to Disneyland for the first time! I'm super excited about it - and although I realize she won't remember the trip, she'll still enjoy it...all the bright colors and sounds and characters...I'm excited to see how she reacts!

Anyway...this means I'm taking a little break here for the week, but before I go I wanted to share the little swimsuit surgery my friend Echo and I performed on Fern's swimsuit for our trip as well as share a few links with you...

This is the look I was going for... (I want this swimsuit in grown-up size!)

This was the best suit I could find. I liked the basic premise, but that flower was a bit or not it looked like the chest piece on the Iron Man costume (as Craig so politely pointed out "Is this a prank?She looks like Lady Iron Man!"). Touche. I actually didn't mind the flower completely, but I didn't like the placement - I thought it would've been better off to the side or even better yet with no flower at all.

And so, my clever friend Echo helped me perform swimsuit surgery (if you decide to attempt this, check really carefully to see if there will be marks and get an extra set of hands - one set to hold and stretch the fabric and the other set to cut). This was the result. INFINITELY better, don't you think?

I can't wait for her to wear it while lounging by the pool...and I can't wait to tell you all about our trip when we get back! But until then, thanks for understanding my need for a little break (keep up with us over at Instagram while we're gone because I'll definitely be "overgramming" - my username is @thelittlethingswedo)

Here's a few links to some extracurricular reading while I'm away (since I'm not doing so hot on my traffic goals this month...feel free to read up and help a girl out!)...

*What's In Fern's Carry-On Bag

*Tried and True Ways To Make Flying With a Baby a Little Bit Easier

*40 Baby Names Inspired By Spring

*Beauty in the Kitchen

*Awesome ABC Art

*Real Party Inspiration: A Pink & Gold Birthday Party

*Style Tips For Littles

*7 Days of Style Favorites

*Our New Weekly Tradition



  1. Fern would look good even if she wears just a bag :)

    Have a nice trip and enjoy Disneyland, Lauren. I'm sure Fern will have a blast, even if she won't remember anything the very next second :)


  2. That swimsuit is too cute! Have a nice trip and enjoy making memories with Fern at Disney!

  3. I am SO jealous! Not only have I always wanted to go to L.A. but I am a huge Disney fan and have never been to Disney Land (only Disney World!)You are living the dream, my friend (at least my dream, anyway!) Have a fun and safe trip, and I can't wait to see all of the pictures when you return!


  4. Yeah what is up with that flower!? Otherwise that suit is SO cute!


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