
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

a girl and her dog and a very scary day.

Yesterday started out as a pretty typical morning.

It was actually a super exciting start to the day for me, because I was able to put Fern's hair in pigtails for the first time ever. It was so cute.

But, then we had a scary brush with some mouse poison and I wasn't sure who had gotten to it: Marley or Fern. So I spent my morning on the phone with the vet and with poison control in quite the panic.

It all turned out well in the end (you can read all the details here if you want), but it was definitely a scary day and a reminder of just how easily it is for little ones to get into things that should be off-limits. If you have littles, learn from my experience and go double and triple check your childproofing as soon as you get a chance.

Hope you all have a good day!



  1. I'm so glad everything turned out all right!

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad everyone's okay!

  3. oh geez...this is super scary...I haven't even begun the childproofing process...or even know where to begin! what are you recommedations?

  4. Aw, she is super cute! Love the pigtails. I'm having a little boy in June so I'll be sure to childproof everything - thanks for the tip!

  5. Phew! I can just feel that heart drop you must've had! So glad that she's ok! Fern is a superhero!!!:-) "Mouse poison? Ain't nobody got time for that!"-Fern


  6. So scary! I am so glad little Fern and Marley are both ok!

  7. oh my goodness, her pigtails are adorable!! glad you were able to sort things out - yikes!

  8. Oh gosh! I would have a heart attack! My little boy is 20 months old and somehow I have never had to call poison control (he's EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING, so this is very surprising). I'm constantly afraid he's going to eat something he's not supposed to. Love the pigtails!

  9. ohmygosh, my heart stopped just thinking about this! So glad everything turned out okay and you can focus on the good things like piggy tails!!


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