
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

another time suck.

So, by now, we all probably need another social networking site like we need a hole in the head.

There are already so many to keep up with that it can seem completely overwhelming sometimes. Despite my love of social networking, between Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and now Vine, it's just too much sometimes.

But, I couldn't resist checking out this new site called Archetypeme when someone I follow on Instagram (@beckarobinson) posted about it.

Basically, it's like Pinterest, but tailored to your personality type. You take a quiz and it tells you what your "archetypes" are and then tailors content to show up in a daily feed for you. So, if you're into fashion, you can expect videos and articles that are style related. If you like something that shows up in your feed you can save it to a board and there's a social networking component so you can follow others and share content. Basically a more complicated version of Pinterest.

Here's my Archetype:

I signed up for it just so I could give it a fair shake and see how it worked, but I'm pretty sure I don't need another time suck. I will admit that it's kind of cool that they suggest and tailor the content though, unlike Pinterest (I guess that makes it like a hybrid between Pinterest and Pandora).

Have any of you tried this out? What are your thoughts?

>>> Lauren


  1. a friend showed me this a couple of days ago!! i got very similar results!!

  2. It sounds interesting and I might try it jus because I would be curious about my results... But it seems kind of like a lot shoved into one site? I will have to try it out to know for sure, but that's my first impression.

  3. Darn you Lauren, why did you have to tell me about this? I'm in trouble....

  4. It's funny that during nap times and bed time, I always think about how much I'm going to accomplish, but in reality I end up on sites like these! I'm so tempted to check this out, but will have to wait until the little one is in bed.


    Also hosting a giveaway on my blog that you and your readers might be interested in =)

  5. Well Well well this may be another reason that I don't get my work done

  6. just signed up for it now! i am just hoping it won't suck me in as bad as pinterest did.


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