
Monday, February 18, 2013

for the beer lover.

My husband is a lover of beer. 

Which made giving him a Valentine's gift last week simple: beer. But, to make it a little more special I fancied up the gift with a cute handmade tag (just brown craft paper tied on with baker's twine). I found a special edition Valentine's microbrew for the occasion, but you could get any specialty beer and use this idea for any gift giving event - not just V-Day.

I like giving gifts that are simple with a personalized twist and this fit the bill quite nicely.

*If you live in the Portland area, you should totally check out the amazing beer selection at Zupans. It's legit and the people who work the beer section are incredibly knowledgeable. They're totally not sponsoring this post, but I thought I'd mention it, because I seriously love that place. Don't even get me started on the produce and flowers!



  1. This is very cute and the name of the beer is so fitting!

  2. what a splendid idea! i know my husband and i would both love this! a good beer is awesome (: if you guys are ever in new york you should visit a place called good beer. i used to live directly above it and it is the best!


  3. Hey Lauren — Met you at PRC a while back and your MIL encouraged me to check out your blog this week. :)

    Turns out we just might be kindreds (or at least our husbands are...) — I filled a growler this V Day and attached a "Beer My Valentine" tag. Great minds!

  4. This is too cute Lauren! Great idea that I will definitely be using for Ryan someday!


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