
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

little lists.

Recently I've been feeling quite uninspired when it comes to this blog.

I think because I spend so much of my time thinking about and sharing baby stuff over at Babble and Disney Baby, I forget to take time for the things I like and that make ME smile. And that's exactly what this blog is for - an outlet where I can be ME. I love being a mama, but I don't want it to become all consuming and I don't want to lose my sense of self and I can slowly and ever-so-sneakily see this beginning to happen, but I'm not going to let it.

And so, I have decided to start up a series called "Little Lists". Every week I will share a list of random things that I like, or am wishing for, or have learned. Sometimes these lists will include kid's things, but mostly I just want to make little lists of things that make me happy and smile.

Today's is a little list of things I've been reading lately...

Someone I know through Facebook writes for this online publication and through her posts, I've found myself staying up late nights reading the articles on this site into the wee hours of the morning. They are stories of radical faith and love. They are stories from real Jesus followers and they are completely challenging my thoughts on faith and love and what being a Christian can look like. So many wonderful things I'm realizing through the words of complete strangers - words that are growing and changing my heart.

2. I Had a Favorite Dress

This is a book I got Fern for Christmas. It's not a "baby" book, but she still seems to like when I read it to her. It's a really adorable book that I definitely recommend for the budding fashionista in your life - so cute!

I started this book months ago and quickly breezed through the first chapters and really enjoyed it, but then life and busy-ness got in the way, but I'm determined to pick it back up! Have any of you read it? It's a fun read so far.

What would be on your little reading list right now?



  1. I'm like you, I love lists and writing them out. So I know I'm going to enjoy this new series of yours. Right now I enjoy reading Matchbook online magazine, Lauren Conrad's Beauty book and a zombie romance novel called Warm Bodies <-- I want to finish this book before the movie comes out.

  2. I'm reading love does, too! Such a great book. We're probably in about the same spot as I'm halfway through.

  3. I'm in the middle of Gone Girl, which is totally messing with my head. I think I'm going to reread Tuesdays With Morrie next. That book never fails to make me feels awesome about life.

  4. I read Love Does and I absolutely loved it! Such an inspiring read. I also follow Ally's personal blog too, not just on Prodigal Magazine. I love her writing, such great wisdom and discussion goes on there.

  5. Same here with Love Does...I started reading it a while ago but then the holidays happened. I just picked it up again last week and I'm breezing through it...we should read through it together! It's SO good...this is saying a lot since the last time I read a book was in college!

  6. That book looks amazing! Need to get it for Har!

  7. love you, love love does, love i had a favorite dress too (from when you read it to alomae!) love love love....its what its all about after all!!!

  8. I haven't heard of that book, but perhaps I'll have to check it out. I just finished a book called the tiger's wife and it took me longer than normal to finish and kind of put me in a book funk. I need a really good one, like Wild to get me back into it.

  9. I think I will love this little series because I already clicking away.
    Have a great weekend Lauren:)

  10. i just started reading love does! just started, but it's an inspiring read so far. hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  11. Glad you are remembering to take some time out for yourself! I read that book at Anthro one day and have decided it's a MUST for our book collection! Such a delight!

    xx Vivian @


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