
Sunday, November 18, 2012

weekend happenings and a makeover.

Some of you may have noticed a new look when you meandered over here today...

Well, that's because over the weekend, I put on my big girl pants and figured out a bit of HTML code to tidy up this blog. It's not anything drastic, and it's probably super novice stuff for those who aren't totally tech challenged, but I'm pretty pleased with it. In addition to the crash course in Blog Design 101, the weekend was a pretty good one.

The weekend started off with a surprise bouquet from Craig after work. These were the first flowers he'd gotten me since I've had Fern! So they were definitely a surprise :).

I was thankful for the flowers because they made the fact that my baby had an hour-long pre-bedtime meltdown a little bit more bearable.

I had brunch with some friends and while we were there I was admiring her new Pendleton bag. She was showing me how roomy it was and saying how she could fit "anything!" in it, so we decided to test her claim by putting Fern in the bag. Apparently the claim was true and apparently people really like silly baby photos, because this is officially my most "liked" photo on Instagram. Who knew? Maybe I should just start an entire blog dedicated to photos of babies in funny scenarios. Oh wait. Anne Geddes already did that. Back to the drawing board...

After brunch, we met up with my friend Echo and her girls Poppy and Alomae and went to a DIY fair to get ideas for Advent at a local church - Imago Dei and then shared a lunch at Lardo. We realized that sometimes trying to get out and do the things you used to do pre-kids is a lot harder than you think. But, in the interest of not being hermits stuck at home and dictated by nap times we get out and adventure anway...even if it is a little stressful at times, it's still fun! I also learned that Fern likes umbrellas while we were out walking - hence this picture.

Saturday night my brother and sister-in-law came over to babysit Fern so Craig and I could have a date night. We actually had a practical use for date night and went couch shopping. We've wanted a new couch forever and had saved up the money, but couldn't find one that was just right. It sounds like a lame time, but it was pretty fun. Craig tried to convince me that we needed a Scar Face couch, so he could sit on it "like a boss". Hmmm...not so much.

Sunday we lounged around at home, because Fern wasn't feeling super great. The tell-tale giveaway was when she crawled over to Craig and snuggled right up to him. Fern is NOT a snuggler. Poor baby!

 We got out for a bit though to check out Portland Flea, which was fun. I came away with a vintage Pendleton flannel for Craig and an antler. Random, but cool.

And that was our weekend!
How did you spend yours?


P.S. What do you think about these jumbo-size photos? I didn't have room for such big photos before I octored up my blog and now that I do I'm not so sure about them. Are they too much, or do you like them? Decisions, decisions!


  1. I totally get your couch date. I had TWO Home Depot dates with my husband over the weekend. I can't stand the store alone, but it becomes tolerable when he's there. And the Christmas decorations are out. :)

  2. I love your new blog layout! I haven't yet worked out html and I'm not brave enough to try it! I think the larger photos really work with your new format. The page would look emptier if they were smaller but now it looks just right.

  3. LOVE the new blog look and the large photos! Went to my niece's 1st birthday party, checked out a new church (just moved back home) and hung around the house a lot. Good mix of busy and still.

  4. Love the new look and large photos! I'm fairly new to blogging and getting hung up on design is easy for me. Baby steps :)

    Hope Fern feels better soon! The photo of her with Craig is adorable but poor baby is right. :(

  5. love the new layout AND larger photos :)

  6. I hope Fern is feeling better!! The picture of her snuggling is so sweet.

  7. OMG Fern in a bag is SO CUTE! I can't believe she was totally okay with that!

    And I love the new look lady, the big pics are awesome!

  8. 1) LOVE the re-dsigned layout and larger pics!
    2) That pic of Fern in a bag is TOO FREAKIN CUTE!
    3) Aww... poor baby ...hope she is feeling better.
    4) Flowers! Niiice!

    xx Vivian @

  9. I agree- the new setup is great and you should def keep the bigger pictures.

    Your little gal is such a cutie! :-)

  10. I like the new look of the blog! I take it you didn't end up getting a new couch. We needed one when we came home and ended up finding one we loved at IKEA.

  11. i love the new design on the web! I read you mostly on iphone so it was great to see it on the webpage! Lovely!!!

  12. I like the new layout design! Congrats to you for figuring out some HTML.

    Great photos of Fern. My favorites are the one where she is in the bag and when she is snuggling up to Craig. The one of her crying before bedtime, well, it melts my heart...


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