
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

hair woes.

Postpartum hair sucks.

Ever since I had Fern my hair is total crap.

It fell out in front and I was bald'ish in the front. I thought that was pretty bad until it started growing back in. Now I'd prefer going back to baldness, because these spiky baby hairs freaking out in front are even worse. On top of that, the texture changed. My scalp is super dry and my hair is extra coarse and frizzy. It used to curl pretty nicely and now it's just a weird wave. Ugh.

The worst part about it is that my hair was so fantastic during pregnancy. Strong, shiny and lovely and I'm not just tooting my own horn. All those hormones give you awesome hair. Too bad it's all just a tease.

I've been feeling pretty "blah" because of my hair sitch these days and am itching to do something new, but what? I thought about bangs, but with curly hair, the upkeep is a pain and they wouldn't really do much to cover up my baby bangs anyway since they're so short. I don't want to cut off any length, because being able to throw my hair up in a top knot is a must and Craig doesn't like it short anyway. So...all that's left is to change up the color.

I'm thinking ombre, but I'm not sure I can pull it off.


I love Kate Beckinsale's hair here, 
but not sure the cooler tone would work with my olive skin...

Jules skin tone is more like mine

This is really subtle, but pretty.
[image found on Pinterest, but the link was dead - any clue where this is from?]

What do you guys think?

Anyone with super dark hair and eyes gone ombre successfully?
I just don't want to end up looking weird. I'm definitely much more adventurous when it comes to fashion than hair!



  1. The last pic is for a Bodkin dress. (You can still see the whole photo here:

    Originally on the bona drag site.
    (Dead link, but here's a the archive:

  2. I was reading about hair post partum and its bc your hair that you normally doesn't fall out during pregnancy due to hormones and the reason why you feel like your hair is thinning is the hair you should have lost during your pregnancy if you weren't pregnant. Wierd huh?

  3. YES rock the ombre. You will look hottttttt! Not that you are not already hot but change is always good. PS phone chat tomorrow? Love you muchoooooo!

  4. I am really loving the ombre style hair too, but I know that I could never pull it off!

  5. I feel so silly! I have the same baby hairs flyin' up every where and really had no clue as to why this was suddenly an issue!!! Hello hair loss 7 months ago! I am also struggling with a lost wave, I had long hair when I gave birth and I had it "trimmed" by a few terrible stylists before finally paying for and getting an awesome but definitely shorter cut. I used to be able to air dry my hair and the wave would just be there and be awesome, now not so much.. it kind of lays flat and straight and definitely not what I am used to!!! I am pregnant again so who knows what to expect now from my hair!! yikes!

  6. Oh man I know exactly what you are talking about! I lost a bunch of hair in the front 12 weeks after I had my first (and it isn't normal catch-up hair loss either). By the time it was back nicely I was losing hair all over again from having our second baby.

    On a more positive note, I love the ombre hair!

  7. The thing that worries me about ombre is that I feel like it would be A LOT of upkeep. Do you have time for that? I know for me personally I stick with hair color that doesn't require touch ups ALL THE TIME to look good.

    I don't have much advice besides that but good luck! For what it's worth, your hair always looks gorgeous in pictures!

  8. I think you could pull off the ombre look. I did it with blue and teal and it was a lot of upkeeping so I just did a gradual fade to blond. I say go for it and cut bangs too!

  9. Lauren! I am an ombre girl. I had an ombre disaster an ombre miracle. Seriously, my hair is very dark and I too have olive skin. I had never dyed my hair before and the maintenance is minimal. The whole idea is that it is suppose to look like sunbathed grow-out. You should check out this post I made about my ombre experience.

    I just got it touched up for fall and went with a honey tone and I really like it.
    Good luck!

  10. Amen to the postpartum hair woes. I am from Oregon but I currently live in a desert state, but when I went home to visit my parents in Oregon my crazy whispies were so much more obvious and awful because of the humidity and I lost all of the wave as well. I was hating my hair so much! What I've started doing is finding a super quick way to curl my hair (like 10 minutes or less) and somehow that helps my hair seem less whispy and hides the short hairs because I can just leave my hair down when it's curled and then the short hairs don't fall out (like they do with buns and pony tails). But I think dying your hair is an awesome idea, the ombre sounds gorgeous! Plus, when you dye your hair sometimes that affects the texture, so that could maybe help?

  11. I totally chopped my hair off with the hand fulls of hair falling out, I couldn't stand it anymore. My husband didn't like my hair short either, but he's okay with it now. My plan is to grow it back and donate it.

  12. Mine was actually so bad after I had the twins... I had to buy some of that hair powder that they sell on QVC. It was horrible! I looked seriously bald. I even considered a wig until it grew in. The kids are almost 4 and it still isn't like it was pre-pregnancy, but it is getting there and well worth it.


  13. Aw, Lauren, I had no idea that postpartum hair changes were a thing! I'm sorry that you're bummed, but I am certain that you are lovely regardless. Even still, I am also certain that I'd be feeling the same way if I were in your shoes. Sorry I don't have any advice, just empathy.

  14. Do it, go Ombre! I didn't know that the texture of your hair could change with pregnancy. man, hormones and really change everything in your body. I know what you mean about all of those little hairs. My hair is just starting to grow back after falling out from a protien deficiency. Soon enough they'll lay more flat, but die your hair and get it styled and it will do so much for helping you feel better.

  15. I'm totally with you! I am still battling my pregnancy related baldness, even after 1 year and 3 months after having my baby girl, Ellie and it sucks big time.
    I personally believe the hombre would suit you perfectly but than again, you are so pretty, any style would look great on you :)


  16. My first child made my hair turn brown - it was medium blonde. My second child made my hair curly. AND my feet are a full size bigger! No one ever tells you that pregnancy is a full body experience! :o)

  17. I've heard about post pregnancy hair woes before... I'm so sorry you've been victimized by it! Sad times...

    About ombre. I had my hair colored ombre by a wonderful stylist in SF at a cute little place called the Barber Lounge. It was an amazing experience and since they're an aveda concept salon the colors they used were super gentle, nutritive and the colors that my stylist chose for me were just the right hues for my hair color and skin tone!

    I've unfortunately not maintained it particularly well... if at all. Now the ends are quite frizzed and damaged despite regular home trims, but I must stress that I haven't been to the salon for a gloss, a conditioning treatment, not even a proper trim..

    The point I set out to make was that I have nearly black hair, even darker eyebrows and light brown eyes and I LOVE how playful, beachy, summery and fun my ombre hair is! Even with all the damage it looks pretty decent and my husband desperately doesn't want me to color it all dark again, he loves the color effect and it's grown out wonderfully over the roughly 2 years my hair has been neglected since I went ombre. I think you should totally do it!

    I can't wait to see what you decide! =) Good luck friend!
    <3 <3 <3

  18. I agree with Leesh. You should definitely do ombre and get some bangs!!

  19. Yes to ombre! And I completely understand about the whole baldness thing and then growing back in. That waiting period for it to grow back was so painful! Seriously sucked. Not looking forward to it this time around! If you don't already, taking prenatal vitamins will help with the strength and all that. Especially if you're still breast feeding! :)


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