
Friday, October 26, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday!

Before I say anything else...
Go enter the giveaway I'm hosting for a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card, because who doesn't love a good book? that you've done that we can get on with the blanks. (P.S. Sorry I didn't get them posted early yesterday, but I've had a babe cutting teeth who's been up every hour for the past two days - boo!)

1.  My favorite feeling in all the world is    the feeling when I make up with Craig with a long hug after we've been fighting - it's like the rest of the world just melts away   .

2.  My favorite smell is  newborn baby, clean laundry and pipe tobacco   .

3.  My favorite taste is   sweet. I can't go an entire day without indulging in at least a tiny bit of sweetness. Worst. Sweet tooth. EVER  .

4. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen was   Fern right after she was born (even though she was all swollen and red and smooshed, she was still beautiful to me) and the look on Craig's face when he saw her. OK...and also the Grand Canyon. That was pretty rad too  .

5. The best sound ever is  a baby's laugh...particularly my baby's laugh because she doesn't laugh very often so it's extra special when she does. She's more of a quiet observer .

6. A smell that reminds me of my childhood is  peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It reminds me of preschool for probably obvious reasons  .

7.  My favorite of all the senses is  sense of sight. I love taking in beautiful things and observing the world and others around me, so it's not even a question  .

Have a great weekend!



  1. I hope that sweet lil Fern is feeling better today!

  2. You know, I hate the smell of cigarette and cigar smoke, but pipe smoke will always remind me of my great grandpa. That's a good one that I completely forgot to mention in my response.

    Have a great weekend!!

  3. Seeing my daughter for the first time will always be the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

  4. Hi! Just found you through another blog (Tripping Over My Tongue)... thought I'd join in! Can't wait to "meet" some new bloggers!


  5. I totally agree with #3, I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Halloween candy kills me!

  6. i wanna link up but it's already Saturday in our time zone. :(

  7. Best smells - fresh laundry right out of the dryer and bacon frying up in the morning.


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