
Thursday, September 27, 2012

fill in the blank friday.


Since I'm heading down to California today with Fern (for this awesome event that you should come to if you live near by!) and she's going to be taking her very first plane ride, I was inspired to make today's blanks all about "firsts". Hope you enjoy!

1.  My first memory is     from when I was five years old and I went to Seaworld...or maybe it was Knott's Berry Farm...I really have a terrible memory. BUT...the part that I remember was that my grandma gave me $20 to take with me for spending money which is a ton of money to give a five year old - especially since this was the 80's! - and I ended up losing it and it totally ruined my whole day   .

2.  My first love was  my husband. So thankful I didn't have to go through a string of heartbreaks before finding my perfect match     .

3.  My very first favorite color was    pink. I know. You're shocked since I'm a total pink hater. It's probably because I was obsessed with it when I was little and OD'd on it .

4. The first time I really felt like a "grown-up" was when    Craig and I were road tripping to Canada for our honeymoon. We went through a drive-thru and ate on the road. I was unwrapping his burger for him and fixing it so he could eat it while he drove (totally safe, I know) and it hit me. I remembered my mom doing that for my dad on our road trips growing up and now I was doing it for my own husband. Weird  .

5. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is  lay there for awhile, but I suppose the very next thing I do is walk to the kitchen to make Craig a lunch and then I sit on the couch to blog with a latte that he makes me before he leaves for work .

6. The first CD (cassette tape, record, etc...) I ever bought was   the cassette tape single of Ace of Base's "I Saw the Sign". Pretty sure I listened to it 8.3 million times  .

7.  My first car was  ahunter green 1993 Jeep Cherokee. I loved that thing. Even though it was always overheating and I often had to drive around in the summer with my heat blasting in order to get from Point A to Point B, but it was the perfect little car. I drove it from the time I was 17 until I got married at 23 so I definitely got good use out of it  .

Hope you make some more "firsts" over you weekend!



  1. It's so funny, I definitely notice myself doing things too I use to watch my parents do. I think it's so sweet.

  2. Hahah, I love that Ace of Base song!

  3. Good luck with the trip this weekend. I hope you have a great time. can't wait to hear about it when you get back!!

  4. This made me feel wonderfully nostalgic!

  5. I am jealous of your #2, do you know how rare and special that is?


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