
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

california bloggy friends? come say hi!

Hey guys! If you or anyone you know happens to be in Santa Clara, California this weekend I'll be hosting an event for Levi's - check it out! I'd love to meet some of my bloggy friends!


  1. I wish I lived out your way...I would definitely stop by!! Have a great time! :)

  2. STINK. That's 6 hours away from me. Grrrr. One day. <3

  3. I would love to come, but I'm helping a friend move that day. Sounds like fun, though, and I really could use a new pair of jeans! All mine are ripped at the knee. Oops!

  4. This mall is near my mom's house. Since I can't make it, I should send my mom, lol!

  5. I would love to check it out and meet you in person.
    It would be a pleasure to meet one of my daughter's blogger friends. I am only 20 minutes away from the event location. See you there.

  6. WHAT? I HAD NO IDEA you were in santa clara. aw man. i wish i could have come.


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