
Thursday, August 9, 2012

the big 2-8.

This Sunday I will be turning 28.
I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I am pretty sure that I have some lovely things on my wish list though...

This necklace...I wish you could see the rest of it. It's a cast of a python rib. I saw it in person at Paxton Gate here in Portland recently and fell in love.

And...also this necklace. The designer Alana Douvros has some seriously amazing stuff.

That is all.
I'm off to contemplate my increasing age.



  1. that mug is the best thing ever!

  2. Oh, me, I cannot even remember being 28. How funny! Hope it will be a most special birthday filled with all that makes you happiest. I just made 60 on the 29th of July. Yikes!

  3. Lol I love that mug!

    I'll 28 has been a good year for me (I say that despite the divorce)! I hope you have an amazing 28th year!

  4. Turquoise necklace is so darn beautiful. I hope you will get one of the above or more:)

  5. Happy Birthday! I turn 30 on Monday, and I don't even care...can't think about celebrating, because I'm taking my medical Boards on Aug. 21. Everyone keeps saying, "What do you want to do for your birthday?" and I say, "BE LEFT ALONE TO STUDY!" Good times. :)

    P.S.- That ring is beautiful.

  6. You had me at "treat yo self". I LOVE parks and recreation! Also, yay birthday!


  7. Awe I love the little fern ring so cute & so appropriate considering that is little misses name :) btw I love her :)

  8. Uh, oh my gosh. You don't just want that Fern ring (see how I capitalized it?) Lauren, you NEEEED that Fern ring. Need it. If anyone in the history of the world has ever needed it, it's you. Also the AWESOME Treat Yo'self mug. Yes please. Filled with booze. Amiright?

  9. I too am turning 28 this month and I too am not sure how I feel about it.. I never got used to being 27! The only thing that makes it easier is that my hubby turns 29 a few days later and then 28 suddenly sounds much better. Hope you get something from your wishlist! Love those clogs! And that Fern ring is perfect!

  10. Happy birthday lady! I hope you feel good today about celebrating another birthday. At 28, you have a great life. You are healthy, have a great husband, the cutest baby, a new home and get to spend the first year of your baby's life at home with her. So, 28 is definitely a great birthday to celebrate. I hope you have a fabulous day doing what you love most. May this year bring you many more wonderful memories to cherish.


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