
Monday, August 27, 2012

fun weekend things.

This weekend I was super productive

Had friends over on Friday night for a bonfire, pipe smoking, home brew and s'muches (like s'mores, but with Reese's peanut butter cups instead of regular chocolate).

Woke up bright and early to go to the gym.  My first day back since before I had Fern! I was SO tired, cause Fern got up like 18,000 times all night, but I went anyway and I felt so good! I went to Zumba and I had missed it so! "Operation Lose This Baby Weight!" is underway!

Then while Fern napped I attempted a friendship bracelet.
I got this far in an hour and quit.

This little, braided string bracelet was my quick and easy consolation bracelet.

Did a bit of prep for my brother-in-law's wedding next week.

Also made a yummy dinner for my parents...
I'll share the recipes tomorrow!

Hope you all had a great weekend!



  1. Where did you go to buy all of those succulents?

  2. Oh gosh, I remember how FAST I used to be at friendship bracelets. Now I'd probably be sooooo slooooooow.

  3. I'm jealous...I can never seem to have productive weekends hahaha

  4. Oh succulents. LOVE them!

  5. My sister and I were trying to teach my niece a few weeks ago how to make a friendship bracelet. After an hour, not a single one of us had even come half way close to finishing. We kept messing it and it was a mess! I don't remember them being so time consuming as a child!

  6. Ok, I love your brother in law's wedding already. I'm in love with those little potted plants. I wanted them so bad while I was in Cambodia. I need to find them now that I'm back in the land of having things.

  7. You crack me up. That friendship bracelet is amazing.


  8. Oh my! I LOVE the idea of s'muches! I'm definitely going to have to try that!

  9. Most of my spiritual life is based on bon fires. My boyfriend and I have a hand-constructed bluestone pit seven feet in diameter. We take fires very seriously. Friends and their children are always welcome, we have ample toys, snacks, and snooz real estate. We usually burn furniture- couches, desks, dressers, chairs. Basically anything that is not toxic. So many of our memories are around the pit. It's lovely to see another family enjoying our own favorite pass time!

  10. Love that you are wearing the gold knot bracelet :)!!! Great job on going to the gym those endorphins are always my favorite. And, s'muches?? A bit jealous but yummmmmm! XO!


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