
Sunday, August 12, 2012

birthday weekend fun.

I had a fantastic birthday weekend...
in case you were wondering.

It was spent having dinner at Lovely's Fifty Fifty with Craig and our friends Jake & Casey (the ones of Olympic swimsuit infamy).

My amazing pizza.

 Then we went to Mint 820 for drinks and met up with more friends. (side note: You should totally go to Mint - best drinks ever).

 Afterward we headed to East Burn and played skee ball and buck hunter. Pretty intense competition.

We got home at 11:45 (that's pretty late to be out for us these days) and I felt young again...but also kind of old and exhausted, but it was fun going out with our childless friends.

It was a little less fun when this little lady woke me up every two hours all night wanting to eat. Not awesome Fern.  Apparently babies don't care if it's your birthday or not.

Craig made up for it by getting up with Fern in the morning so I could sleep longer...
AND he made me chocolate chip banana pancakes AND two iced mochas (two, because I accidentally knocked over the first one - ooops!).

Then we went to Home Depot and chose a paint color for the outside of our house and I bought some things to make Fern a little ballet barre in her room.  That might not make sense, but you'll get it when you see it (I'll post it!). It was fun and relaxing.  I wore cute comfy clothes - some new birthday duds... the fun new necklace that Craig got me from Beam & Anchor, the Saltwater sandals I'm totally obsessed with from my lovely friend Echo and (one) of my new shirts from my mom.

Later we went over to Craig's parent's house for a birthday BBQ and my family came over too. We do most holidays (birthdays, Christmas, Easter, etc...) all together as a group, which is really convenient and much less stressful than having to run around to a million places.

I forced Craig into taking a family photo.
He hates posed photos, but he obliged me since it was my birthday :).

 We had a lovely dinner and my in-laws got me this delicious cake from Papa Hayden - raspberry gateau - my favorite!

All in all it was a weekend full of fun with friends and family.
I felt so loved and truly spoiled. Everyone really made it such a special day and especially Craig. He did a million tiny, little things to make me feel absolutely adored all weekend long.  I really do have a fantastic husband.

Hope you all had a great weekend and thank you for the birthday wishes!



  1. Your birthday looks like it was wonderful! Happy Birthday, Lauren!

  2. Oh my gosh... that cake looks AMAZING. Yum!

    Sounds like all in all it was a good birthday!

  3. I'm glad you had a great birthday, I love the necklace Craig got you!

  4. awe sounds like fun! love that picture of fern. and that cake looks incredible!! much better than your traditional white cake from CostCo, haha!

  5. Glad you had a great birthday! Happy belated, friend!

  6. That Fern is just darling! Sounds like an amazing birthday!

  7. YAY you got a pair of salt water sandals. Great gift echo!! Glad you had a day to feel extra special and loved ... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY friend!!

  8. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! You look super cute in your birthday outfit, I love every piece! I've been wanting saltwaters too but I'm pretty sure Chris wouldn't dig them as much as me. :) Also that PH cake looks amazing...I've never had it!

  9. Aw what a great birthday! Love your new sandals, that cake looks delicious, and Fern is as cute as ever :)

  10. What a fun filled birthday you had! Oh I miss Papa Haydon and the rest in NW23 so much. I wish I still live in Portland. Last but not least, I love your family portrait;)

  11. Happy belated birthday! It looks like a lovely time!

  12. That pizza looks delicious!! I'm not sure what kind it is, but I would definitely eat it anyway!

    Fern is SO cute!!

  13. Fern's little roll up denim killed me with cuteness. I love her name too!

    xo Alyssa


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