
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

vintage inspired baby.

Before I had Fern I used to LOVE thrifting.

I could hardly wait to bring Fern along on my thrifting excursions once she arrived and I dreamed of all the adorable, little, vintage baby dresses we would unearth in our treasure hunting.  

BUT...alas, thrifting with a baby is but a pipe dream.

Fern hates her carrier and only tolerates the stroller for so long and only if it's moving, which means I either have to hold her (= limited one-handed digging for treasures) or I can't actually stop to look at anything because she gets mad if the stroller stops.  

Maybe when she's a little older we'll be able to make it work, but until then Ruche has me covered.

I'm sure you're no stranger to the Ruche online boutique, but now they've just launched a baby line filled with vintage-inspired adorable-ness (yep...totally a word).

Here are a few from Ruche's Itsy Bitsy Collection:

Check out more of my favorites from Ruche's Itsy Bitsy look book over at Babble!



  1. Hi! Have you ever tried putting Fern in a carrier? My 4 1/2 month old Stella hates her carseat with a passion so going to a store of any kind was huge hassle...she loves for me to carry her facing outward (doesn't want to miss anything I suppose?), so I bought an infant carrier and she loves it! It has made life so much easier, it's actually fun taking her places now! I love thrifting too, so I feel your pain :) The ONLY bad thing about it is trying to get her back in the carseat afterwards. Coincidentally, my daughter fights naps too, I'm thinking she and Fern are in cahoots! :)

  2. Congrats on your new bundle of joy. A worthy swap for thrifting;)

    If you have a moment please enter my cute top giveaway!



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