
Monday, July 16, 2012

spills and thrills.

This weekend was a busy one...


We went over to our friend's Andy and Echo's house for dinner and we ate like kings...seriously.  
I haven't eaten a serious BBQ meal like that in I don't know how long!  BBQ chicken...corn on the cob...sweet potato salad with berries and goat cheese...corn bread and honey...delicious drinks....and s'mores for dessert.  We ate like fat kids and it was fantastic.

This is a picture from grocery shopping beforehand.
I'm kind of (super) in love with Zupans. Isn't that the prettiest produce you've ever seen?  I think I want to live there.

 Yes. I actually made something I pinned from Pinterest.
I know.  You're shocked.

(*Note: the recipe called for lemon sorbet, champagne, vodka and mint, but we left out the vodka and added smashed up delicious!)

We stayed up late chatting with friends around the fire pit and Fern didn't get to bed until midnight! It was the latest she's stayed up maybe ever.  Ooops.  Needless to say, she slept in the next morning.


We went garage sale-ing with Becca, Bennett and Buckley. We had a rough start when I ate it on concrete while holding Fern.  It was super scary, but I was able to keep Fern knees on the other hand didn't fare so well.  I was a bloody mess and I'm still hobbling around, but at least Becca was there to doctor me up!

After garage sales we went to brunch at a friend's house and had a lovely time. Fern and my friend Dana's baby are only three days apart and they had fun playing while we feasted :).

Later on we picked up my parents from the airport and went to dinner.


We mostly hung around the house, but in the afternoon my parents came over and watched Fern (and by "watched" I mean they hung out here while she napped...they scored on an easy babysitting gig!) while Craig and I had a quick, little date to go see Moonrise Kingdom.  I absolutely loved it...quite possibly my favorite Wes Anderson film to date.

So, all in all the weekend was filled with mostly thrills...and just one spill.

How was your weekend?



  1. Thankfully just 'one' spill. That is more than enough with your tiny one in your arms. You probably took a bigger beating trying to protect Miss Fern... you are a Mother... that is what Mother's do. Protect their kids at all costs.

    You sound like you had a delightful weekend. Me too. (although not as jam packed as yours) WE took my son and his buddy to the airport they were headed to your neck of the woods for a wedding on the beach... after that my hubby took me for some fabulous Hawaiian Barbecue. Lucky me!

    Have a FUNtastic week!!!


  2. Oh, Gosh, Lauren! That knee wound looks very painful. So sorry for you but thanks God Fern is ok. I'm always scared I might fall while holding my daughter and now I'm double scared because you're the prove it can actually happen :(
    I'm glad you had a lovely week end, though I've been missing you're Friday blanks.


  3. it looks like you all had so much fun!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend, with the exception of the skinned knee!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend minus the knee incident. I really love Wes Anderson films, can't wait to see that movie!

  6. ate like fat kids...yep! :) enjoyed our friday night with you three! love you guys

  7. Oh goodness, I'm glad Fern is okay and that you're mostly okay!

  8. So scary when we mother's fall while holding our babies. I'm glad you both are mostly okay. Yard sale shopping, yay! I want to check that film out, sounds interesting. Your daughter is a beauty. Enjoy her age, it goes so fast. I have an 11 year old daughter and a 3 1/2 year old son. Time flies when you're having fun.

  9. ouch to the boo boo! glad fern is alright.. scary. we too were huge fans of moonrose kingdom.. pretty sure it is my fave wes anderson film now as well :) such beautifully composed shots!!

  10. Aw it sounds like so much fun...minus the hurt knee. And yes, that produce section is amazing.


  11. I hope your knee is okay now. That must have been scary. I am glad that you and Fern survived the fall.


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