
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

random talents.

Random talents.

We all have them.  Some are actually useful.  Some are fun.  Some are just weird.

Today, I thought I'd share a couple of 
random talents that we have in our family....


I can carry a LOT of things.  No seriously.  I can carry a ton of stuff at once.  You know how sometimes you get back from the grocery store and you don't want to make a million trips back and forth from your car to your house, so you load your arms up with as many bags as you can possibly handle without toppling over?  Well, I do this all the time with everything in life.  I'm probably going to have back and neck problems one day.  I've been known to carry Fern around in her car seat while also carrying a (giant) diaper bag, a clutch, a bouquet of flowers, and a giant bowl of pasta all at once.  It's actually sort of become a game.  Every evening before bed, I load myself up with dishes, and odds and ends that have accumulated around the house throughout the day and try to put them all away in one trip.  I fill my pockets, tuck things under my arms...whatever it takes to get the job done.  Craig teases me about this, but I like to think it's a marketable skill...who knows...maybe it'll get me an awesome job one day!


He has this amazing knack for developing the most perfect Pandora stations of all time.  My Pandora stations suck.  We have some of the same exact stations and his are awesome and mine are lame.  He says it's because I just always "thumbs down" any song I don't like, but he said I have to selectively choose which songs to like and dislike..."it's like a have to cultivate it."  Ummm.... that's ok.  I'll just listen to your awesome Pandora stations husband.


She is awesome at a lot of things, but her best random talent would probably be shutting the front door.


She is still developing her talents, so we can't really know what her super cool ones will be just yet, but currently she is quite talented at rolling over...not super random, but I'll keep you posted on any new talent development as it occurs.

Do you have any random talents?



  1. I am ridiculously good at jump roping (think criss crosses behind your back) :-)

  2. Haha this is awesome. Love the shut th door trick -pretty impressive Marley!

  3. I can pick up things off the floor, table, etc with my toes. Yup...there's a talent.

  4. I definitely share your ability for carrying a lot of things at once. But I don't think I'm quite as talented as you :)

  5. I love this post! Too cute! I can ride a unicycle! Learned it in elementary school:)

  6. I don't know if this is a talent or not, but I can go grocery shopping without a list and I would bring everything that I need for my week's menu.
    I can carry stuff... but I guess you have the supertalent for carrying stuff :)

  7. Marley can shut the door? That is AWESOME. My parents' dog will open the screen door to go out... but she leaves it open for the bugs to come in =-/

  8. I always carry a lot of things too! For me it mostly stems from not wanting to use a cart at the grocery store. I refuse to use anything larger than a hand basket and it gets kind of tricky so I end up carrying a heavy basket and additional items in my arms. It's a useful talent to have though and just think of how strong you're probably getting!

  9. Through my girlie teenage years, I paid for many manicures from talented women at salons. I watched them carefully each you're and now can manicure and pedicure at a professional level sans professional equipment. That's one of my random talents.


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