
Thursday, July 19, 2012

in a super funk.

This has just been one of those weeks.

{photo that has absolutely nothing to do with this post}

I am in a super funk.
Feeling unmotivated, uninspired, overwhelmed and exhausted.

I'm going to be taking the rest of the week off from blogging.  It doesn't seem like many people even read this blog anymore, because I've neglected it so much with all of the busy-ness of being a mom and writing over at Babble and Disney Baby.  It kind of bums me out...not so much the fact that less people read this, but mostly because I used to love blogging and lately I'm just feeling kind of over it.  I know it's probably just a phase, but it doesn't make it feel any better.  

I started blogging for the love of writing and sharing and for the wonderful community and friends that it connected me with, but now I feel like I never even have any time to connect with you guys and it makes me sad.  There are many of you who still faithfully read and comment - even on my most boring posts - and I never even get the time to go leave comments for you or to even always respond and let you know how much your sweet words encourage me.  It makes me feel like a sucky person.

I'm not trying to have a pity party over here, so I hope you don't think that....just feeling a little blue and venting.

Oh well, hopefully a bit of time away will do me some good.  

I'll be back next week though.

OH...and also....
I've decided to bring back Fill in the Blank Fridays....

the old format.  I know so many people liked it and it really wasn't that much work in the big scheme of things, so starting next week it will be back ever Friday on a full-time basis.

If any of you have blanks you'd like me to use, feel free to e-mail them to me:  (

OK...that's all.

Hope you all have a great rest of the week.



  1. It's ok to vent. I love how honest you are. And don't worry about feeling "over it". Everybody goes through those phases. But I'm sure I can speak on most people's behalf when I say that we don't think you're a sucky person for not blogging as much lately!

    1. Not even a little bit - especially those of us with kids. We get it and we sympathize. Being a first time Mum has a STEEP learning (and adjusting curve). Everyone feels sucky and blue sometimes.

  2. Aw, honey....I think right now maybe people aren't commenting as much as they normally do. I read your blog but have gotten lazy about commenting - which is bad, as I hate when I write and get no feedback.

    A break is not so bad....and I'm glad to hear you are returning to the old format! The new one is fine but the old one was unique....

  3. I still read your blog even though I hardly ever comment. I have been posting a lot less on my blog too b/c I got burned out. It's ok to get burned out. I think next week's Fill in the Blanks should definitley be Olympic themed!

  4. Being a mom is super hard and demanding. Most days I feel lucky if I shower, let alone post on my blog (obviously since I've done 3 posts in 8 weeks!). Enjoy a few days off!

  5. Aw, Lauren! There re still people reading this blog-- me, for instance! I love reading about the moments in your life, both the positive and the negative ones. And I love seeing photos of baby Fern! I'm sure the vast, vast majority of your readers don't get offended if you're having a crazy week and don't have time to respond-- you're a busy lady! I hope having a few days off helps you feel like you're back in the blogging groove. (Which should totally be a dance. Just saying.)
    xo Julie
    ♥Julie Rose Sews♥

  6. Love love love your blog! I totally get needing a break though. Sometimes it's very refreshing to fall off for awhile. Always look forward to your posts though, especially the Fern posts! ;) have a good weekend!

  7. Well, Lauren, it's okay, we all get in a funk and need to vent. Glad we could be here for you.

    I would remind you that you will have the rest of your life to blog but you will not have the rest of your life to love on that baby. I am by no means telling you what to do, but someone said that to me (about something else) when I was a young Mom and it really gave me "food for thought."

    Hoping blue skies are coming your way and hope it is an extra happy day for you. Hugs!

  8. I have felt the same way not sure why. I have not blogged all week as well just not feeling very creative. I have kinda felt like just not doing very much at all. Hope it passes soon for both of us until then its okay relaxation is good for creativity :)

  9. Take care lady, sometimes you just need a break!

  10. I feel you. I've had at least 5 "I'm the worst mom in the world meltdowns this week.


  11. Aw I'm sorry you are feeling down. Don't worry, time off is always needed every now and then. I hope you feel better! Looking forward to some fill ins! :) Keep your head up!

  12. Hey Lady! I'm so glad you still post and love reading your words, even if you don't have tons of time to blog here! I understand how time consuming being a momma is, which why I haven't blogged since Sidd was born...woops! Make time when you can, and post for you and little Fern, don't worry about the rest of us!

  13. I have definitely had those weeks. Quite a few since Pearl has been born. Thank God our babies are so adorable! Totally helps me get through it :)

  14. Hang in there! I have seen lots of my favorite bloggers disappear after getting gigs at Babble and such. Even though they all promise they won't. Just like anything, once it's a business instead of a passion the fun starts to disappear little by little. Since you are writing about baby over at Babble and Disney... maybe save special style posts and things non baby for over here?? Hope you stick it out!

  15. There's not a lot of blog I follow but you are in my top five in my reader. I check it out, read it and it gets me started on my own blog. It's ok to recognize how you feel and be honest about it. Your true followers will always understand. Even though I don't do your Fill in the Blank Fridays, I look forward to it each week. Take care and enjoy your down time and you will soon get back the BOUNCE (like Tigger)

  16. Lauren,
    I've been reading your blog for a couple of years, although I don't comment very often, and I love it. I live in Eugene and my in-laws live in portland so I often know the places/people/things you are talking about which is fun. I also have an 8 month old daughter and had a natural birth so it was fun to read about your pregnancy/birth/baby during mine. I also read you at babble. I read somewhere that you had a rough day yesterday with teething. we are teething too and it can be so rough. And I don't know about you but I know for me when my baby, margot, is having a hard time with things it makes everything else so much harder on me. Sick/teeting/in pain babies are just really hard to deal with. Plus it always seems like as soon as I start to get something figured out it changes and I feel like i'm completely lost again. This usually happens to us around sleep. My child fights sleep like non-other! Anyway, I hope you have a better day. And I think you have a great blog. You've done a good job mixing personal/home/baby/fashion/food/city and life. It's really a dynamic and interesting blog.

  17. Not to worry we all get those funks.. and Life gets in the way which is in fact more important than anything!! Hope baby is doing well :)

  18. Aww, I am reading this blog! I think it's perfectly normal to go through a blog funk where you're just not into writing. I have them frequently and will do 16-17 entries one month...and 4 the next. It's completely fine and your readers understand. ::hugs:: :)

  19. So sorry you are feeling down. I hope you know there are people out there that love reading your blog (me!) even if we don't always comment. I love reading your stories - especially about Fern. So I hope that after your break you feel refreshed. I sure would miss reading!!

  20. I'm sorry you're feeling down at the moment - I guess we all get like that, but that doesn't make it any less sucky for you! I'm pretty sure a lot of us lurk and enjoy reading your posts, even if we don't often comment! I hope your break does you good, and you enjoy your time with Fern!

  21. totally okay to just take some time off. when you're feeling really blah, sometimes the best thing to do is just step back and take a break. "just push through it!" has it's place, but i don't think that place is everywhere. :) enjoy your break, i hope you start feeling better soon.

  22. I just want to tell you that I LOVE your blog. It's so fun to see the little outfits you dress Fern in, she must be the most stylish little girl on the block! I just got over a blog funk myself, but now am back and a little stronger. We all love your thoughts and updates, so here's a little dose of encouragement!

  23. Aw, girl, sorry you had a rough week. We all go through those ruts, maybe you just need a bit of a break. You shouldn't feel bad taking one. And I'm pretty sure, judging by your comments, that a lot of people still read your blog :) you're refreshingly real.

  24. I went through the same thing when my daughter was born. Its hard to balance everything. Sorry you are feeling down, but I do look forward to Friday on your blog and reading it throughout the week when I get a chance! Take a break and hopefully you will come back refreshed :)

  25. (((Hugs!)))
    I think it's normal to feel a bit lost after something major like having a baby - especially the first! And ya know? While we all love you and are a little sad when we miss a post or two, we also understand that real life is 1,000 times more important than updating your bloggy friends. So don't feel bad about taking time to reevaluate or just relax. We get it. And we'll all be super happy when you return!

  26. just wanted to let you know that I am still a faithful reader! I think it's normal to go through blog funks and have writing blocks now and then. don't worry though, you still have an audience here! um also, I am really looking forward to the old blanks!

  27. I totally get your feeling bleck - it happens to everyone now and then. Being a first time Mom is a HUGE adjustment and has an enormousness learning curve - not only do you have to learn to take care of your little one you need to learn a new way to take care of yourself. I too have been a total blog slacker the last month or so, but it is summer and am extra busy with my kids being home from school, etc, etc. I am very excited for the return of Fill in the Blanks! Take good care. :o)

  28. I'm still reading! And I think you're doing a great job! I've been surprised at how well you've kept up with the blog after having Fern. Babies take a ton of time and energy and being a mom comes first, in the good and the hard times. Don't be hard on yourself-you're doing great!!

  29. Thanks for posting this Lauren, because you took the words right out of my mouth. So I hope letting you know you're not the only one who feels bad neglecting their blog will brighten your guilt a bit. Don't feel like a sucky person because you are living and enjoying life - it's hard to find the time at the end of the day to sit and stare at a screen if you're just not up for it. My vote is that it's a phase. And we'll all be here when it fades :) Hope you had a great weekend! Chin up lady.

  30. I don't feel like blogging these days either but I feel like if I don't, people will stop following me. Then again, blogging isn't suppose to be for followers, it's suppose to be for you (and it's a bonus if people follow).

    Even though you may not blog on here frequently, you have other outlets on babble and disney to get your creative juices flowing.

    Even if you need a break from here, you should just do your Fill in the Blank Fridays to keep the bloggers connect and it's only a weekly time commitment.

    Whatever you decide to do, you will always have me as a loyal follower.

  31. I have been waiting ever so patiently for the return of the fill in the blank!
    Mind if I vlog this?


Comments make me happy and I adore each and every one you leave. I try to respond to comments when I can...which isn't always. BUT, if you have something you'd really like me to respond to, feel free to e-mail me and I promise I'll respond ♥.