
Thursday, July 26, 2012

fill in the blank friday...the original is back!

So, I know I said I was done with coming up with these weekly blanks in the old format, but I changed my mind.  I kinda missed these blanks and I've heard that many of you felt the same.


The old format of Fill in the Blank Friday is back by popular demand!  Enjoy!

1.  I am   a Jesus follower, a wife, a mama, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a blogger, a stylist, a lover of the little moments in life   .

2.   I have always   had a penchant for donuts. Ever since I was a kid, donuts have been my comfort food    .

3.  I hope to     one day make a living doing something I love   .

4. I can    carry a lot of stuff. I blogged about it the other's a secret talent I have .

5. I dream of    mother-daughter heart-to-heart chats as Fern gets older. I hope and pray that we will have a close relationship .

6. The way to my heart is   through thoughtful surprises and quality time  .

7.  I am passionate about   birth. I love talking about birth and encouraging pregnant women to trust their bodies and move away from the fear mongering that surrounds pregnancy and birth. Birth is natural and our bodies know what to do! (If you haven't read it before, feel free to read my birth story HERE)   .

Looking forward to reading your blanks!



  1. Yay! I'm so glad its back. I seriously like this format better :)

  2. Yay! I've enjoyed the new ones but missed the originals!

  3. Lauren, i am so glad to read the answer to your last question. In fact, i re-read your birth story not that long ago. As my due date is approaching in Sept, sweet panic has set it. It's good to know that there are bad ass women out there who can do what i am most fearing right now (labor) naturally. So thank-you for sharing! :)


    ps. glad your blanks are back!

  4. hurray! thanks for bringing back the blanks. there is just something fun + magical about this format that i love & look forward to every week. and love your answer to the last question - i am not yet a mama but so very much agree with that attitude. :)

  5. I love number seven. I am a week away from my due date and am planning on having my baby naturally. I LOVED reading your birth story when you first posted it and I am going to read it again. I am grateful for people with wonderful stories like yours who are willing to share them because most people try and tell me EVERY single horror story they know of people having babies naturally. My mother has had eleven children naturally and I love to hear the stories of all of our births. I love to know that it is possible and WONDERFUL. So thank you!!! :]

  6. Thanks for these lovely blanks, Lauren. Have a wonderful weekend!


  7. and all these are why we are friends! :)

  8. Glad you brought back FITBF but I forgot to join in the fun.

    I'm like you too, I love, love, love donuts!


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