
Sunday, June 3, 2012

the best laid plans.

Sometimes the best laid plans go astray.

Like when you wake up planning to go to church on a Sunday morning and are greeted by a disastrous dog mess of epic proportions all over your living room carpet (apparently Marley had some gastrointestinal issues during the night that we failed to hear).

We ended up running behind schedule, but instead of letting a little (BIG) mess ruin our day, Craig suggested that instead of rushing to church and getting stressed out he would like to "take his girls out on a date".  A coffee date to be precise - our first as a family (we usually drink coffee at home).

It was just what we needed and we had a lovely time.

I love that my husband doesn't sweat the small stuff and can turn a bad situation into a good one.  It's just one of the many things I love about him.

How was your weekend?



  1. I'm so glad that you have such a wonderful Hubby!
    He sounds like a good man... One of these days we'll have to have the 3 of you over for dinner!

  2. Haha oh Marley! Where did you get coffee and burgers?! Also family coffee dates are the best, even though we have the ability to make coffee at home!

  3. Is that a breakfast hamburger? I would definitely be down with that.
    And...Is Marley feeling okay now?

  4. Aw that's precious and so good of him. It's nice when stress can be turned around like that!


  5. Such a great way to turn the day around! It seems like he is the master of "letting it go"

  6. this is so nice! i hope your Marley is doing better now. I remember I went home the weekend before my last final at college this year (benefits of living less then two hours away) and went back the morning before my afternoon final. of course my dog woke me up that morning with a huge mess! dogs have perfect timing, right?

  7. SO precious and sweet. I'm so happy for you three!

  8. This is so sweet lauren :) I know all about middle of the night pup problems and they are never a fun surprise for either party in the morning, happened on my birthday once! So good to make something special out of it though.

    Oh P.S. This is Chelsea. I used to blog as The Well Nice Chronicles, but I just started a new adventure here :) Excited to be back in blogland!

  9. Sounds like just what the doctor ordered.

  10. What a terrible thing to wake up to, but hopefully Marley is okay. Your hubby's gesture was very sweet. Nothing like taking a negative and turning it into a positive. :)

  11. That sounds like an awesome weekend. First-time commenter, but I love your blog. It's so...home-y (that seems like the right word for it). Thanks for sharing! :0


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