
Thursday, May 10, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Today's blanks are health themed.

Maybe not my most creative and a bit of a downer,
but I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so I thought it was appropriate.
Happy Blanking!

1.  On a scale from 1-10 the frequency with which I get sick is,   a one. I was a preschool teacher for almost 4 years - I've got an immune system of steel! I'm actually a little bummed out that I won't be around them anymore to keep my immune system hearty    .

2.   The last time I felt sick was   today. Sore throat, headache, congestion, sneezing... but before that it was in January like the week before I had Fern. I got a weird 24 hr stomach bug and threw up which was the first time I'd done so in YEARS. I really do never get sick. TMI. Maybe.    .

3.  The worst part about being sick is     the lack of energy you have       because     stuff still needs to get done. Sadly the world doesn't stop just because you're sick and I'm realizing that this is even more true as a mother  .

4. When I am sick I like to be taken care of by   being doted on, because that's what my mom always did for me growing up. Craig is the exact opposite. When he's sick he just wants to be left alone to ride it out. Needless to say this has left us both annoyed at different times during illnesses .

5. Something I do to keep myself healthy is    no freaking out about germs. I think it's worse for your immune system to wash your hands 85,000x a day and stress about all the viruses out there .

6. A secret remedy that I use when I'm sick is to    drink lots of liquids and not take any medicine unless I really need it. A sickness is the body's way of telling you something is wrong and medicine usually just covers it up instead of curing it  .

7.  One thing that always makes me feel better when I'm sick is   a smoothie. Sometimes it's the only thing I can stomach and fruit makes me happy. Is that weird? Probably, but it's ok  .

Hope you have a fun non-illness-filled weekend!



  1. I enjoy being doted on, too ;) I hope you feel better asap!

  2. I'm totally a "get doted on" sickee and so is my husband but like 30x worse! He turns into the exact replica of a five year old even with something minor. It's funny...afterwards haha .


  3. thank you for the meme! found you from Annette @ meanderings and musings :)

  4. Oh no, I hope you start feeling better soon! :)

  5. Aw, get better soon, mama!

  6. The last time I was sick I actually had to call in sick to work and I HATE that. But I was dizzy every time I stood up... not good for serving tables.

  7. Thanks for posting blanks even though you feel like poo! Feel better, please!

  8. Thanks for making blanks even though you feel like poo! Feel better, please!

  9. You are very right about #6. Over the counter medicines actually make colds last longer, because they depress fever, which is your body's way of warming things up enough to kill the bacteria inside of you. Do I follow this tenet myself, and avoid Sudafed and Tylenol?


    #3 is so true. The world doesn't stop because you're sick, so if I have to drug myself to power through, it's what I have to do. Although, I did get sent home one day this year from clinic because my preceptor said I was too sick to see patients. Ha!

  10. Feel better soon so you can enjoy Mother's Day!

  11. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  12. oh my gosh, nick is the exact same way as craig about being sick and I am just like you. I hate it :P when I'm sick I just want him to care of me and then I just end up missing my mommy :P


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