
Monday, May 21, 2012

i love this place.

If you've been reading this blog for awhile you may recall that we recently moved.


You may have wondered why I haven't posted any photos of our new place.

Well, the answer is:
It's real ugly.

Don't worry.  It's not going to stay ugly forever, but for now, I'm pretty sure you'd be bored/horrified by a lot of the photos, so I'm sparing you.  Trust me.

The laundry list of things to fix include:

-ripping out the deck

You know...the basics.  I haven't even begun to mention all the purely aesthetic things that need fixing.

I realize you're probably wondering why we bought such a heap of a house and probably also wondering why the title of this post was "i love this place".'s because the yard is magical.
I regularly day dream about the childhood fun Fern will have here.

It looks like we live out in the boonies in the middle of the woods 
(even though we're less than two minutes from the freeway!)
and our backyard is HUGE!

Doesn't that swing look like the things chilhood dreams are made of?

Enjoying a pre-bedtime swing with Fern.

Massive beautiful trees that scare me a bit on real windy days.

Also, in addition to the yard:

 -the layout is perfect and will be amazing for entertaining
-the neighborhood is great (as are the school districts, though I didn't care all that much about that)
-it's close to everything we do (it's so close to Craig's work that he comes home to visit at lunch!)

I can't wait for what our little fixer upper will one day become.


Until then, I'll be outside....
enjoying the yard.



  1. Aw, you SHOULD post pictures!!! So many people post pics after they fixed up their new place, etc. when most - if not all, unless brand new - houses need some fixin' up!!! Do it! ;)

    But seriously, that yard IS magickal and those trees make me giddy. SO pretty!

  2. oh my goodness that looks like the most incredible yard ever!!!! I think it would be lots of fun to fix up a place - mostly when it's all said and done and you can look around and know that you made all the choices and did it together. I'm sure for know it's a bit daunting, but it will all be worth it! Especially with that perfect backyard!

  3. Oh wow, is that your back garden? That is absolutely magical. I always imagined growing up in a garden like that ... the imaginary games I would have played ...

    Lucky Fern.

  4. That's an awesome backyard! Fern is going to have some great adventures there.

  5. I totally think you should take before pictures and post them on here. That way we can all see what an amazing job you guys do when you turn it into your home!
    When we buy a house we want to purchase a fixer upper that we can make our own! So I totally get the purchase!

  6. Your backyard does look magical and enchanting.

    Enjoy your yard and your little fixer-upper. :)

  7. Haha, well the yard absolutely is gorgeous! Totally worth all the fixes!


  8. cant wait to see how it turns out too! it will be awesome!

  9. oh my that yard is gorgeous! i would just camp out every night. love the photos!

  10. Doesn't it suck when you want to focus on the pretty things of making your home a home but you have to focus on all of the gross, basic stuff? I've had trouble dealing with it for the past year as the Behemoth was such a mess but we're finally getting to a place where our house is feeling like a home and it couldn't be better.
    Keep in mind that it's gonna be totally worth it in the end! Your backyard is gorgeous and I can't wait to see what you do with the inside.

  11. Your yard does look magical and I'm sure with time your house will be perfect. I hated the look of our house at first, it's still hideous from the street, but I kind of like that the inside is getting nicer and that it's a secret surprise for people when they enter our house.

  12. Wow, that yard is so magical! I'm hoping we can find something similarly awesome when we start our house hunt in a few weeks. (In Houston. So, probably won't be awesome in the same way, but in a more scorching hot and humid way :)

  13. I love this post. The hubs and I have learned a lot from owning our first house and part of that is all the things we want in our next, hopefully more permanent, house which is outdoor space - land, for a garden-like atmosphere! That swing is truly magical. :)


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