
Monday, April 30, 2012

tired but finding time for fun.

Fern has officially decided not to sleep anymore.

This is my tired face.
And this is her guilty face.

It's been pretty intense lately with the lack of sleep, but we still managed to have some fun over the weekend....


We had over our friend's Bobby & Lindsey for dinner.  I made Crockpot Chicken Curry.  I forgot to take pictures, but it was delicious and so easy (check out the recipe here) and we always have fun with Bobby & Lindsey :).


Fern and I spent the morning visiting with my friend Kacie.  We had yummy cinnamon rolls at Crave and Kacie brought Fern the most adorable Pride & Prejudice board book.  I LOVE it!

The afternoon was spent on a walk around the lake with our friends The Rhodes and ended with happy hour.  Here's Fern with her buddy Kristina.

In the evening, Craig, Fern and I headed to McMenamin's for a family date.
We even got to eat outside which was lovely.


I helped style the Ace Hotel Cleaner's space for a book signing.  
It was for The Sugar Cube Cookbook from local sweet treat legend and food cart owner Kir Jensen.  Truly, if you like sweets, you MUST get this cookbook.  Kir's treats are the most delicious I've ever had and I am absolutely not exaggerating. 

Here are a few photos of the styled space....

The front window display

 The lovely author Kir

 The book table and a few details

 Sunday evening we hung out with my parents and we went to an electronics store and then to dinner.  Random combo, but it was fun.

Here are my findings from the "As Seen On TV" section.
Part of me kind of wants that ridiculous Justin Beiber singing toothbrush.

 Fun and full, but SO exhausting!

I think Fern is maybe starting to get back on track with her sleep though, so hopefully I'll get caught up on my sleep soon.  Keep your fingers crossed!

How was your weekend?



  1. Hi Dear Lauren,

    First of all you look astonishing for a tired mommy :)
    Secondly, I must praise you for finding time and energy to do fun things, that makes us less aware of our exhausting life :)
    And third, just hang in there, one more month or so and Fern will definitely get closer to a good sleeping pattern that will last long enough for you to recharge your batteries and become a normal person again :)

    Hugs to both of you, sweet girls

  2. No sleep? Her face does look guilty! It sounds like you guys had an awesome weekend in spite of being tired though!

  3. You did a great job styling! Love that you still make so much time for friends everything a new baby around. Hope you're able to catch up on sleep a bit this week!

  4. Oh man - not sleeping enough must be hard! But it still looks like you had a fun weekend. :)

  5. My weekend was good. I did a lot of homework and relaxing. Hope that Fern starts to sleep on a more normal basis. Hopefully you tired her out so she slept really good last night.

  6. 1) I wish I'd look like you when I was tired. And 2) We love McMenamin's!

    Hope you get caught up on rest this week!

  7. I'm crossing my fingers that both you AND Fern get some sleep!

  8. i totally got that exact justin beber singing toothbrush at a white elephant party last christmas. oh yes, i did. your styling is grand, and i hope you get some rest!

  9. Love your styling work! You are awesome for still having some energy! :)

  10. I hope Fern gets it figured out quick!
    Also, that board book is awesome, I totally want to get one for Pearl!

  11. I actually own that ridiculous JB singing toothbrush and I highly recommend it:)It makes a monotonous task highly entertaining and extremely silly.

  12. justin beiber tooth brish is so worth it! id spend my money on it! haha

  13. i think it's hilarious that someone had the idea to make a singing toothbrush. i mean why haven't i thought of any of these silly but awesome ideas =) i'd be rich and wouldn't have to work again!!! ha

  14. Wow. You girls had a busy weekend. Glad I got to see you. xo


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