
Thursday, April 26, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday Friends!
Time to fill some blanks!!

1.  When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is,   Go get Fern and bring her into my bed to nurse, since usually she's the reason I'm awake   .

2.   I can hardly wait for   summertime and buying Fern a cute little swimsuit and sitting outside in a little kiddie pool with her    .

3.  The quickest way to my heart is     ice cream       because     it is the absolute best food on the planet  .

4. A little known fact about me is that    I got my ears pierced when I was three months old. I think it's a Mexican thing, because a lot of my cousins had them pierced really young, but I've noticed that very few little caucasian girls have pierced maybe it's cultural .

5. The best part about my job is    I get to notice all the little things about Fern that are changing every day. Sometimes I miss going to a job every day, but being a stay at home mama is such a blessing and I am so thankful that Craig works so hard so that I can do this .

6. Something I just couldn't live without is    under eye concealer. It is an absolute necessity with a baby   .

7.  Something useful that I wish I knew how to do is   sew. Today I fell in love with this little dress while perusing Pinterest and I think it is reason enough to buy a sewing machine. In actuality I'm pretty sure I would suck at sewing, so maybe someone else can just sew it for me?  K thanks  .

Do something fun this weekend!



  1. um #2 is SO happening all the time this summer!

  2. I wish I had time/skill to sew too! My boyfriend's mother is amazing on the sewing machine and I'm always inspired...right before reality hits me that I can't do what she does :) On the upside, she just got a new embroidery machine, so who is getting their white coat embroidered for free this summer? Win!

  3. Happy Friday, dear Lauren and Fern!

  4. I also had my ears pierced when I was only a few months old! If I ever have a little girl, I'll do the same with her. Little girls with earring are adorable.

  5. I didn't get my ears pierced till I was 10. My parents didn't do it when I was really little and once I knew it would hurt I didn't want to.

    However, I was reading a Babysitter's Club book and one of Claudia's friends had her ears pierced a zillion times and suddenly that's what I wanted too!

  6. I wish that I was more skilled with the sewing machine. I know just enough to get myself in trouble!

  7. #7, I started with bibs... and now I'm about to sew some pajamas for Mika. It takes practice and patience and dedication, but everyone can sew! :)

  8. #7- i started with bibs, and now I'm about to do a pajamas. It just takes practice, patience and dedication...that's it. It's super fun, and once you create something you'll feel all accomplished she's wearing something you made!

  9. I loved waking up in the morning to my kids and bringing them into bed with me. Now my youngest is 7 and the requirements have changed. I love when they come in now but usually they are hungry or fighting over the remote, or something less nice than breast feeding and snuggling. :o) I am envious - the time goes so fast, enjoy every minute because before you know it she too will be 7 and you will be wondering where all the time went!

  10. You should learn to sew! The basics arent that hard and its amazing to not have to pay someone for the easiest fixes! Amen to the summer I cant wait!! And I'm on my way out to ice cream, its amazing.


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