
Thursday, April 12, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Today is Friday!  And, I've got some good news and bad news...let's just start with the bad and get it over with.

The bad news is:
Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom I never seem to remember what day it is, which is why I officially suck at posting Fill in the Blank Friday lately.  Sorry I suck.

In the future though, if I forget for some reason, you can go back through the fill in the blank archives and choose one of the old blanks to fill if you'd like.  I know it's not ideal, but cest la vie.

The good news is:
I actually planned ahead and did these blanks early so I wouldn't forget about them!

1.  Today is a good day because   I'm actually being a good blogger and remembering to post these blanks!   .

2.   The best thing I did all week was   see friends and devote an entire day to just relaxing and devoting my undivided attention to Fern    .

3.  The current weather is     rainy       and it makes me feel     annoyed   .

4. The best thing about spring is    that all the grey, dreary, deadness goes away and makes way for all things bright, colorful and living as seen in both nature AND people's wardrobes and it all makes me very happy .

5. A fashion trend that I'm dying to try out for spring is  tangerine. I got a little dress in the color for Fern and it was so cute I kind of want something the same color for myself! .

6. A person who made me smile this week was   my chiropractor when she adjusted me. I'd never been before having Fern, but apparently birth is kind of traumatic on the body so I've been getting things realigned   .

7.  The most delicious thing I ate all week was   sadly nothing worth noting yet, although I did have a pretty tasty bowl of raspberry Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries and granola. I know how to live it up, right?   .

Hope you have a lovely weekend!



  1. Hi Lauren! I met you through Claire a while ago. Just wanted to say I adore your blog, and your little family! Fern is such a cutie!

  2. this is my favorite link-up, i fill it out every week, so i really appreciate you taking the time to do it :) have a great weekend!!

  3. Totally loving tangerine as well this year, especially in nail polish!

  4. Lauren, thank you for posting these when you can! Goodness knows you're a bit busy these days!

  5. Awesome questions :) Spring is by far my favorite season (close to being a tie with fall though!)

    I've always wanted to go to a chiropractor, but I'm so chicken!

  6. Oh man, I so remember those early days of mommyhood and breastfeeding and basically eating what you can when you can.

    happy friday!

  7. Yay! Glad to see fill in the blank Friday! Don't you worry about missing them. Mommydom takes time! :)


  8. Yay! I love this weeks questions :) I always end up doing my fill in the blanks on Sunday rather than Friday, mostly because I forget to on Fridays, so I totally understand missing them occasionally!
    xo Heather

  9. I love succulents and cactus, I've got a bunch myself and they're my favorite plants.


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