
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

diy party favors.

Remember yesterday when I blogged about 
Becca's surprise baby shower?

Well, you may have noticed the little favors I made in some of the photos.

If not, then see Exhibit A:

Cute little potted plants!

Now, I'm not exactly made of money these days, so I knew I couldn't get too fancy with the party favors, but I wanted to do something that was cool...something that people would actually be excited about taking home with them instead of "accidentally" forgetting it at the party so they don't end up with more junk at home.  I also wanted the favors to double as decor.  Since the shower was held at a restaurant we couldn't exactly decorate, but I still wanted to give it a bit of a personal touch.

These fit the bill perfectly.

Here's how you can DIY these yourself (Perfectly easy for the lazy crafter like myself):

1.  Buy a bunch of little succulents and cacti.  Mine are from Lowe's and they have an awesome selection. 

2.  While you're at Lowe's grab some of those free laminate counter tile samples.  They may frown on this, so you may have to be sneaky about it for good measure. 

3.  Get some yarn in whatever color you like, then wrap (painstakingly I might add) around the cheap plastic pots - way cheaper than buying a nicer pot, but still cute.  This would be infinitely easier if you periodically hot glued the yarn to the pot while wrapping, but alas I had no idea where my glue gun went to during our move so I did it the hard way by wrapping and tying without it.

4.  Use a white paint pen (or whatever color you like depending on the laminate samples you're using) and write clever things or fun drawings on the laminate tiles.  Then tie them to the plant.  *Note: I had my dad cut these tile samples shorter, because they were too tall for the pots.


Cute little party favors for your next soiree!



  1. These are adorable! I would love to get a plant over candy favor any day. Because I love reading your posts daily - I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award on my last post. I wanted to share your blog with my other friends. I hope you are having a terrific week. love, Melissa

  2. Those are adorable. I love the idea of giving plants as favors. But girl, that yarn tying must have taken you forever! You are a good friend!

  3. Those are really cute. I love succulents, it's about the only plant I can keep alive. :)

  4. Those are so cool, what a fun, unique idea!

  5. The tile samples were an awesome touch. I was wondering where those cute little "wood looking" signs came from!

  6. They were completely adorable...thanks friend! Ours are happy in our kitchen window, now I just hope I can keep them alive!

  7. loving how they are wrapped in yarn! i need to try that because every time I've tried to re-pot/plant succulents I kill them... which is supposed to be impossible to do.. :/

  8. what a cute idea!! I have been wanting to get some more succulents for our house.. I think I'll use this yarn-wrapping idea so I don't have to buy pots.

  9. so cute! love party favors that do double duty!

  10. These are totally cute! I admired them in your last post-thanks for the diy instructions!

  11. I love these!! Very creative Lauren. XO!

  12. I love these Lauren. Creative and too cute. xo.


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