
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

snow day.

Today we had a snow day...
In March.

Normally, I wouldn't be excited about this, because it's spring - there's supposed to be sun now (or at least the hope of sun), not snow! was kind of fun seeing our new woodsy backyard dusted in white, especially since this doesn't happen often in Portland.

It's kind of magical, right?

 So, Fern and I cozied up in comfy sweaters and jeans.

 And some cute napping/photo-snapping ensued.
I can't get over how cute she is in her Little Lebowski sweater :).

How's the weather where you're from?
What would you do with a snow day?



  1. it's 80 degrees here all week! In fact... it hasn't snowed all winter here in D.C. I 'm really sad about that. I'm not ready for summer yet

  2. We had a beautiful day today and will probably continue to have double digit temperature and sun for the rest of the week.

  3. With the final days of winter upon us, there's no better time to take a look at some videos of the cutest animals tumbling in various winter wonderlands.

  4. Yay for snow days! It looks gorgeous :)

    And Fern is looking ever so fashionable in her adorable sweater!


  5. We don't get snow in the desert, we're lucky if we even get rain! I would snuggle up all day with my babies, drink hot chocolate and watch disney movies. Looks cozy!

  6. Snow? Wow ... we have nothing but the icy promise of spring here in London. It's chilly and grey, but dry at least.

    We had a snow day in Feb 2009 and it was my first proper experience of snow. We had the day off work and walked in the park taking ridiculous pics of us making snow angels and then made hot chocolate with marshmallows and watched movies in our pjs. It was ana amazing day:)

    How cute is your little one?!

  7. How funny, I was just telling my parents yesterday how weird it is that the weather is so AMAZING here in WI. Usually March is our snowiest month but like the entire winter we've seen nothing.

    And I'm okay with that ;-)

  8. Oh, if it snowed today, I'd be grousing and sulky!

    Round here in the midwest, we've had some crazy nice weather this week- sixties and seventies with sun-sun-sun! It's never like this, and somewhere deep inside of me, I have a feeling we've not seen the last of the snow for the year, but for now, it's a snack of all the lovely that is to come.

    Still. That little Lebowski sweater? Squeeeeee!!!!!! Too much cuteness. I can't take it.

  9. Awww I love her sweater!! So adorable! We got snow yesterday too in BC... I'm glad it didn't last long tho!

  10. I think you got more snow than we did, or maybe I slept in too long and missed it :)

  11. how funny! we are actually having the opposite weather her in Michigan.. it is unseasonably warm -- 70 and sunny!! I am loving it!

  12. How cute is Fern in that little magic sweater! I love it:)

    I'm Kristina Rhodes friend and I've been following your blog for over a year. I feel a bit like a creeper, so I thought I would formally introduce myself:)I'm Millie and I love your blog!

  13. annnnd now it's back to rain:-) oh oregon! xoxo

  14. pretty, pretty! and fern looks adorable in that little hooded sweater!


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