
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

sleep. glorious sleep.

Before I had a baby, I really liked my sleep.
...After having a baby, I had resigned myself to a life without it.

But, lo and behold!  The day has come!
Fern slept through the night!
(Isn't her sleepy little face precious? I had to document this momentous occasion with a sleeping snapshot of her - this is one for the baby books.)

She slept 8.5 hours to be exact.
(She probably would've slept longer, but I finally woke her up because my "feeding bags" were ginormously full since they'd never gone that many hours between feedings.)
....and it was incredible.

It only took two months, which is pretty good in my book.  I'm obviously not expecting this to happen every night, since she only just recently started sleeping for one 4-5 hour stretch in the past week, but on occasion, this would be lovely and perhaps it will one day even become a trend!  Imagine what I could do on a full-night's-sleep!

I'm hoping that next time I won't be quite so worried though so I can sleep more soundly.  I may or may not have woken up at least twice to go make sure she was breathing.  Don't worry.  She was :).

To all the parents who told me it would get better....
I'll admit it.  You were right.

And to all the soon-to-be-parents reading this....
It will get totally won't feel like it at the time.  You're going to have moments where you're so tired you feel like you could cry and it's ok.  It's normal.  I'm sure I'll have many more moments like that still to come, so we can commiserate together :).

God bless sleep.



  1. God bless sleep. We were stretching into the 3 hour territory in the last week but I think we may be receding back to two. It's true, I want to cry sometimes. But then I read about a little one sleeping 10 hours a night and taking two naps, and I have hope. Way to go fern!

  2. Aww, she is just so precious :)

    So glad she gave you a little break, 8.5 hours is amazing for a 2 month old! What's your trick??


  3. Ha! Just wait until she becomes a toddler. My 3-year-old has been making me want to pull my hair out at times since 2. Congrats on the milestone.

  4. Woohoo!! I bet you feel like a new woman!! Hopefully, tonight she will repeat!

  5. this has nothing to do with fern sleeping (though i do think that is wonderful and LOVE keeping up with you and craig and her little life!) but i saw this this morning on etsy and thought of you :). And of course I can't figure out how to make it a simple link on comments so here is the long and boring address...

  6. This is one of the big things I'm scared about when having a baby... I already have a really hard time sleeping! So happy Fern slept through the night!

  7. Yay! Don't you feel like you can conquer the world after a sleep like that?!
    It will happen again, even if it's not tonight...but I promise it will!
    I have 3 boys (3 1/2 year old and 1 year old twins) and we get 12 hours a night! Keep up the good job!

  8. Yay, I hope she keeps it up! And...full boobs are pretty uncomfortable, huh?

  9. Since my due date is about 6 weeks away, I'm already sad that I'll be losing more sleep than I already have since being pregnant and the million potty breaks a night and trying to get comfortable!

    Congrats on your first full night of sleep! I hope they continue for you! :)

  10. Wow! That's amazing. Hope she keeps it up! I have to chuckle a little though, because my 2.5 year old daughter still wakes up a minimum of twice per night!! Yikes! I know it's crazy! I never, ever, EVER imagined it a possibility. But I hear it's actually quite common. Hopefully yours is a sleeper though! She sure is adorable!

  11. I'm so happy things going good. I love her and you!


  12. Wahoo! Great news (for baby, and mainly for YOU!)

  13. I love this photo. It's so cute how her tiny hands are curled up under her chin. I would treasure this photo forever if I were you!


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