
Friday, March 9, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday!
Time for some blanks - brought to you by the lovely "guest blanker" Jennifer of Jen Loves Scott (+ Baby!)

These blanks worked out perfectly, since we just moved into a new house this week and Jennifer's blanks are house themed!  Enjoy!  Thanks Jennifer!

1.  My favorite room in my home is     the living room    because     it's where the living happens, and isn't that the whole point of a home?   .

2.   My current decor style is   rustic industrial  .  but I wish it were more     modern...just a bit. It's something I'm working on with this new house...balancing the new with the old and clean lines with things that have a bit more patina .

3.  I wish I could redecorate the     master bedroom/bath     room in my house to make it more      cozy and a place that we actually want to hang it is, it's fine, just not super exciting .

4. My dream house absolutely has to have a   master bedroom detached from the kids rooms, because lord knows they won't want to hear us boot knocking and I don't want that either .

5. One house item I am willing to splurge on is   a couch. We practically live on our couch, so it's a good investment. We're currently on the hunt for something that is both modern and comfortable, which is surprisingly difficult - many times clean lines = hard lines and we definitely need a comfy couch .

6. A decor trend that I just don't "get" is   lucite. It usually just looks cheap to me, but maybe I just haven't seen it in the right context   .

7.   lots and lots of cozy blankets    is a little touch that makes my house feel like home

Hope your weekend is wonderful!



  1. You may want to try Costco! I know someone who recently got a charcoal gray sectional for only $799. It's so cute and comfortable, but unfortunately not on their website. Just something to look into. :)

  2. Love this week's questions! I am in need of some updated posts with pictures of our house, so much has changed since the posts I've previously done!

  3. My dream home is a craftsman style house. I love mid century stuff, but I would take a craftsman over our weird ranch in a heartbeat.

  4. few! i am so glad there is fill in the blanks this week...I was gonna get mad! :)

  5. Haha! I liked what you said about having a separate bathroom so the kids can't hear you! :)

  6. I have TONS of cozy blankets in my place, which is awesome because I'm a total freeze baby. And blankets are good for cuddling ;-)

  7. ahahaha I love you answer to number 4! That is one of my husband and I's dream feature in a house too. Nice insulated walls that aren't right up next to a kids room. No need to scar the kiddos ;)


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