
Thursday, February 23, 2012

what fern wore #2.

Welcome to the second edition of
What Fern Wore...

Not a fan of the photo shoot, but it started out ok.

This face kills sad!

So grumpy!

And then the crying.

 Apparently she wore herself out.

Lounging at lunch.

Dress: gift from friend, Dwell for Target
Onesie: Carter's
Pants: Carter's
Scarf: made by me

I love the pattern mixing in this outfit - the polka dot onesie with the striped pants and the snowflake dress.  I also love that even though there's a lot of busy-ness going on with the pattern, it's made more simple through the simple colors: grey and white.  And let's just talk about the scarf.  I'm kind of obsessed with it.  Baby accessorizing is the cutest.  It's fun dressing Fern in things that I like and that don't look overly "baby'ish", but that have a spunky twist (i.e. pattern mixing).

Happy Wednesday!

Lauren (and Fern!)


  1. You may have a fashionista on your hands... like Mother like daughter. *Ü* Thanks for sharing! I love baby photos.


  2. Oh my goodness. That first photo? She looks SO much like you! I love the mixed patterns. That girl's got style! :D

  3. love the dress and the color of the scarf. beautiful baby girl.

  4. She is so tiny! What a sweet girl. :)

  5. I heart this outfit! I love the toned-down, neutral palatte, and babies can always pull off mixed patterns better than adults. Her faces are so precious!

  6. You look so great, Lauren!
    And Fern is so adorable. xoxo

  7. Baby scarf?! oh my goodness that is beyond adorable! This baby is one stylish little lady!!

  8. She is so gorgeous!! Even her sad face is cute!!
    And I love young babies that are still all floppy :) They are so fun to cuddle and make smile!!!!
    XO Samantha

  9. She is adorable! And that scarf, I am in love with...I wish I could knit (tried several times, some part of my brain just blocks this skill).

  10. Oh my gosh. I love the baby scarf! She is so cute!

  11. What an array of emotions!!! How adorable!


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