
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

baby steps.

My six week checkup with my midwives is on Thursday.
And you know what that means?

Time to get back in shape.

Now that it's after the fact, I'm gonna be real and tell you that I gained a whopping 55 lbs. during my pregnancy.  Obviously that's a far cry from the 25 lb. mark I was hoping for, but hey...pregnancy happens.

The good news is that I lost 35 of the aforementioned pounds almost immediately.
The bad news is that I have at least 20 more to go and that whole "breast feeding just melts away the calories like magic" theory is sadly skipping me.

I guess I'll just have to work at it the old fashioned way...pound by pound.

But, in the mean time, I'm going to convince myself that these delicious treats that I discovered the other day are "healthy" since they're all-natural and baked.  ...At least for the next few days anyway.


If you're not currently trying to lose weight, I highly recommend these.

SO delicious.  And totally healthy.  

OK, but they really are delicious.  Nothing like those veggie straws that people always try to convince you actually taste good.  Nope.  Those aren't fooling me, but these are the real deal.

Happy eating!



  1. Loosing weight when breastfeeding... didn't happen for me either, though the first week after giving birth I lost weight while eating cake etc. I thought that it was true, but after a week, there weren't really any weight coming off... a year after and I still have a few pounds that need to go, but I hope starting work on Friday will help, at least it won't be all that easy getting junk food.

  2. Can't believe it's already been 6 weeks since little Fern made her debut! Good luck getting back into a work out routine, you're not alone, I feel like I need to lose 20 lbs and I didn't even have a baby :/

    Those baked fries look delicious!


  3. I really appreciate your honesty. I am 35 week pregnant and I have gained a whopping 40 pounds so far...and I feel like I am the ONLY person in the blog world that has gained more that the allotted 25-35. I guess that means that I am going to have to work a little harder when the baby comes!!!

    I know you will be able to loose those last 20 pounds!!!

    1. I'm right there with you! Have gained 35-40 lbs and I'm 33 weeks along. I feel so alone and hate every appointment with the midwives because I'm always off the charts. But those charts aren't made for real women - they're an average of lots of women who had many different body shapes and sizes.

      I try to remind myself that my baby has a healthy environment in there and is getting all the nourishment it could possibly need. But it's really hard when you see numbers on the scale and when you look at yourself in the mirror and see another person looking back at you.

  4. Honestly, the breastfeeding weight-loss takes a while. Without really "trying" I've lost the weight from both of my pregnancies but it took the whole year for both. Try to relax :) You'll get it off. Hope that helps lol

  5. Uhh, that whole "breastfeeding melting the pounds off" didn't work for me either. And I was making enough to feed like five babies. Boo. I'm finally/again/still working on losing it the hard way. Even though Olivia will be 3 this year. Hahaha. I wish you lots of luck. (And certainly luck and self-restraint better than mine!)

  6. Have you tried Pop Chips? Their BBQ flavor ones taste almost identical to BBQ lays! The salt and vinegar ones aren't as real tasting, but I swear by the BBQ ones to fix my chip craving :)

  7. wow I am so happy for you! I know how you feel, too! I am due on Tuesday and I have gained 45 lbs thus far! :/ But I am really encouraged to hear that you dropped 35 right away! for some reason, in my mind, I am just going to stay big forever and I am going to have to work super hard to lose all 45...

  8. How is Fern already 6 weeks old!? And good luck with your check up and the weight loss lady!

  9. Umm those look delicious...they are going on the grocery list. Also, how did those 6 weeks go by so fast? I mean, they did for me anyway...haha.

  10. This site is awesome!!! and FREE I love it!!!! YOU are YOUNG and only ONE pregnancy and YOU are most wise to want to get in shape again... YOU go girl!!! I have been there... I gained too much weight every pregnancy.


  11. dude i need to try these stat...or maybe it's best that I don't...

  12. Yeah, the whole "breastfeeding makes the weight melt away" is a lie lie lie. I'm 11 weeks out and about 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I haven't worked out whatsoever so I guess that's okay. But I am ready to have my body back, so running it is! (Bleh) Too bad I'm so exhausted at the end of the day that working out sounds like the worst thing ever. PS I agree with the previous poster, My Fitness Pal (I have the app) is awesome!

  13. I do not have a child yet and am trying to be pregnant. I heard that it is hard to loose weights while breastfeeding. Also, many said your body frame changes after giving birth even though your weight is the same as per-pregnancy. So, please enjoy the bonding time through breastfeeding with Fern instead of rushing to loose weights. I hear the true woman's voice, especially from you. Mmmm I love to try that treat. Looks so delicious.

  14. lauren, thanks also from me for being honest! I gained over 40 with my pregnancy and just had my 6 week checkup today - I also lost over 30 right away and I thought GREAT! and then the weight loss totally stopped (i actually gained a few) at 2 weeks. I have been being careful the last few days and I lost some weight again but today I was SO hungry so i ate a lot. It's hard because obvs breastfeeding is a priority - but it would be so nice to fit into normal clothes and feel thin!

    I follow you on twitter - I am @bzbear2 - I will follow your journey. Keep up the good work!

  15. That's just about how much I gained with both my pregnancies! Who knows how it happened?? The weight will come off--give yourself some time. You can do it!


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